Stem cell clinics ripping off patients, bullying scientists

The article re-visits the controversy that is in the study of stem cell research. Stem cell research is a now profitable process where many scientists offer stem cells for all medical processes. Recently, a 36 year old man was treated with esophagus cancer as he was given an entirely new windpipe made of stem cells. Even professional athletes turn to stem cells for quick recoveries and physical therapies. Scientists now seeing the supply and demand of stem cells, are now overcharging patients for stem cell treatment. Patients are being bullied as they are now over paying for stem cells that may not even guarantee the results promised by doctors and scientists. However, the need to feel young and healthy has been consumed by the modern people. Millions of dollars are spent around the world as people will way whatever it takes to feel young, causing themselves to be ripped off by stem cell researchers.

Why is modern society obsessed with being young and willing to pay so much money for non guaranteed treatment?

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