An Artificial Pancreas Could Cure Diabetes

Doctors and Scientists at the University of Virginia are trying to develop a Artificial Pancreas that could ultimately be the cure for Type-1 diabetes. The artificial pancreas will produce insulin and mimics the glucose regulation function of a regular pancreas. Patients who participated in the trials say that it brings some "normalcy" back to their lives and they do not have to worry about the diabetes. Diabetes is becoming more common every day and can be a very serious disease if not properly taken care of and can result in loss of vision, amputation of limbs and even death. Diabetes is a serious disease and the "Artificial Pancreas" will certainly make a big difference and help those with Type-1 Diabetes. The US FDA still has not approved the device and has set up guidelines that need to be meet by the device's inventors.

Should the F.D.A. approve the Artificial Pancreas? Why or Why not?