Making Sense of Life Regardless of Beliefs or Religion

This is a press release for Jesuit Fr. Robert Spitzer's book of philosophy. It offers a look at such standards in Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of the Life Issues.

He states that "The evolution of culture and civilization has arisen out of the development of ten fundamental principles". He note that three of them deal with evidence and objective truth; three deal with ethics; three deal with the dignity and treatment of human beings; and the tenth represents what is generally known as "The Golden Rule." He also asserts that failure to teach and practice any one of the principles can lead to a variety of wrongs. "Failure to teach several of these principles," he adds, "will most certainly lead to widespread abuse and a general decline in culture." In an easy-to-read format, Fr. Spitzer transcends religious beliefs to offer sound and keystone reasoning that can guide our thoughts and actions; our laws and public policies.

How should we treat others, and how should we reasonably expect them to treat us? Are there reasonable principles, regardless of religious belief, that can guide our actions, especially when human life is at stake?

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