The End Don't Justify the Genes

This article deals with parents having their unborn child genetically altered in such ways to even have the same dissability as the parents. This was the case when a deaf couple featured in the Washington Post who had their child genetically altered so that the baby could also be deaf.. They were turned down at a sperm bank when they tried to find a deaf donor, because having a deaf baby would be a lot easier for the parents who were also deaf.. This sparked up an intense issue on whether parents should be able to alter their child at any point of the pregnancy for the benefit of themsekves. Altering children to be deaf is'nt the only alteration that can be made, a baby can be paralyzed, blind or miss out on limbs. The issue that was brought up is that it is unethical for a parent to alter their child in any way for their benefit.

Is it unethical for a parent to genetically alter their unborn child in such a way for their benefit?

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